Sunday, April 28, 2013

MO'I Day Out - 27 April 2013

Udah lama ga hang out sama MO'I. For for the reason of "BUSY", the gank udah lama ga ngumpul and chat.
And for the reason of stupidness and ego of myself, hampir aja I'm out from the gank.
Actually.. I miss them too much.
Really thanks the girls for the precious time and If you gals read this, forgive me for being so stupid. *#hugs*#

So.. it was a great dinner time. Full laughs and nice chit chat.
Same like the old time.
Only the topic came a bit different. Family... hahahahah..
It makes me realized how we're getting older.

Too bad there're never enough time to share.
Next time arrange kumpul lg ya...
Love you all...

Org yg lg nulis di pesawat

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