Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve with My Beloved Friends

Gw seneng banget, pulang dari Balikpapan tgl 23 malem, tgl 24, langsung deh kumpul2 sama temen2 gw.. Ngilangin rasa kangen yang udah 3 bulan ga ketemu sama mereka2..

Ketemuan sama June sore2.. terus muter2.. ketemu sama San & Jo di Lippo Supermall.
Abis itu ke rumah Jun, ternyata ga lama Fan juga udah dateng. Rame deh..

Tau ga, ternyata global crisis juga pengaruh loh sama kita.. hehehhe..
Kali ini kita ngerayain Natal-nya dalam suasana yang simple and humble juga..
Tapi yah itulah yang selalu gw bilang, gw sih ga perlu mewah, tapi it will become great and memorable if we spend our time with our beloved friends..
Jadi intinya bukan gimana-nya, tapi dengan siapa-nya yang bikin itu asyik..

Akhirnya dengan makan2 sederhana, kita makan. Abis makan, mulai deh muncul talent ngelawak masing-masing orang..
Seru banget deh pokoknya..
Ampe sakit perut saking lucunya tuh orang2..

Yang ga pernah lupa dari setiap kita kumpul2 itu adalah PHOTO SESSION..
hihihihi.. maklum la.. kita semua banci photo.. Jadi total yang bawa camera kemarin itu 3 orang..

Rom, loe jangan lupa yah nanti klo ada audisi buat pemain srimulat kasih tau gw? wekekekek..

Natal kali ini lebih rame.. soalnya Jen sama Sandy juga ikutan..
Cuma kasihan Jo karena Thesa ga ada yah..

Christmas Wishes gw tahun ini cuma 1. Mudah2an kita semua bisa ngumpul and temenan terus sampe kakek2 and nenek2.. Gw seneng and terharu punya temen2 kayak loe semua..

God Bless You All and All The Best Guys...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008



Pengumuman yah.
Christmas Eve Dinner in June's House on 24th Dec 2008, 07.00 pm.

I'll bring the best crabs from Balikpapan.

Oya, akan ada penayangan video dari photographer and video maker terkenal loh..
So.. Don't miss it friends..

RSVP : Junie, Santi, Cen2, Ace (08xxxxxxxxx)

Happy Mother's Day

I supposed to post it yesterday but I forgot.
I'm too busy packing and too exciting to go home.

I wish her happy life ever after..
Good health... Good Luck..

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I miss Christmas..
Last year, me and my best friends had an unforgatable Christmas Eve Dinner.
It was full of laughs and stories.

I hope this year, we can another unforgetable moments to share in Christmas & New Year AGAIN.. hehehe..

I post this to remind you all on our last year Christmas Eve.
And also to inform that I'm going home for Christmas... wekekkee..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Birthday... - Happy Birthday Mbe -

Aneh kan baca judulnya??? Emang bener..
Yesterday was my birthday and also my best friends, June's birthday.
This year I was not in the same town with her so I cannot celebrate it together.
But... don't worry, we can have it postponed till I return home.. hehehhe..
My prayer for Mbe.. Wish her all the best and may her dreams & wishes comes true.
Happiness will fulfill her coming days...
Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyy...

Kemarin di kantor potong2 kue and bagi2 ke semua orang kantor.
Jadi malu deh, kan artinya tambah tua. hehehe..
Anyway,,, gw seneng banget kemarin. Kita ga pesta, tapi banyak doa which is more meaningfull for me. hehehe..

Thank's yah Guys buat doanya..

Monday, December 15, 2008

Simple, Humble and Merry Christmas

Itu kayaknya judul yang paling pas dan cocok untuk perayaan Natal di kantor kali ini. Walaupun sederhana, tapi punya arti yang ga mungkin dilupakan oleh orang2.
For sure gw yakin banget.

Dari kita kumpulin donation, terus belanja, packing bingkisan, hias pohon Natal, latihan koor (ini 2 minggu loh latihannya..), nyusun bangku, ke panti asuhan, wah pokoknya Semangat Natal dan Semangat 45 bercampur jadi 1 deh.

Liat aja happy faces kita waktu acara photo bersama. hehehhe..

Pasukan lengkap

Ini pasukan cewe yang udah kerja keras selama beberapa waktu.

Lidya, Me, Lisa & Denny

2 Gitaris, 1 Projector Operator, 2 Song Leader, 1 MC.. wekkekee..

Banci Photo... wekekke..

Mudah2an Natal tahun ini ga cuma berarti buat kita, tapi juga berarti bagi orang2 yang kita bagikan sumbangan. Itu yang maunya kita sih.
Semua orang senang... Nice right???

Christmas Charity

This year Christmas in office means a lot to me.
The key point of all is "SHARING".
I enjoy being a committee for Christmas Charity & Christmas Mass in the office.

With supports of all colleagues, we managed to collect quite big amount and donate to orphanages and our own employees.

It was really touching because we can share our fortunes with others.

This writing is not for publicity, just want to share with you the idea.
May be it can inspirite you to do the same.
In global crisis like this, it great that we still can collect some money and donate it.

Thank's to all supports given.
See the happy face of the children???

Merry Christmas..

Sunday, December 14, 2008


This is how it looks if the 3 mustgeteers in the Xmas pictures...

Our big brother said he looks natual in the pictures.
weksss... not till you see these pictures..

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Today morning I went to issue my tickets.
Yes... I'm going back home soon.

Even economically I should save some money for next month, I still feel that I need to go home this month.
Hmmmmmm... I need to re-charge my spirit.

To do list when I return home :
1. Eat my Mom's cooking foods
2. Eat my fave Sushi
3. Have my Christmas' & New Year's Eve with my beloved friends
4. Go for movie with my friends
5. Hang out with my friends and have chats, gossips, girl talks..

Mbe, Cen, San, I have 11 days to spend with all of you..
Add my to do list and make it beautiful and memorable moments to share between us..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ga Bisa Nulis???

Udah seminggu lebih ga bisa nulis..
Ga tau kenapa, cuma lost my writing appetite..
Aneh banget deh.
Mungkin karena lagi banyak pikiran aja kali..
No.. no... no.. lagi stress..
Emang belakangan ini gw stress banget..
Banyak hal banget yg bikin stress makanya jadi ga bisa nulis..

Hmmm.. mesti balik bisa nulis lagi nih.
Biar ga bosen hidup gw nantinya.

Mau cari ide dulu deh...