Monday, June 21, 2010

54 and 56

Finally I got that number..
Yup.. 54 in the morning and 56 in the evening after dinner..

Ga tau mesti seneng atau sedih.. I think should be both..
Seneng karena bisa turun berat badan.. sedih karena turunnya pake cara ga bener.
Pake SAKIT..

Emang gw gampang banget turun berat badan kalo lagi stress.
Kalo stress, pasti deh ga ada cara untuk bisa gemuk.

Pengen hidup sehat. Makan buah. Diet biar agak kurus.
Soalnya sebentar lagi my best friend's wed.
And still have no gown for her engagement and wedding..
Gimana nihhhhh???

Terlalu gemuk bikin kolesterol gw parah..
Jia youuuuuu..
Diet for better health..


PrinCess JuJuL said...

Crash diet is no good ce. Diet secara sehat adalah makan teratur. You can eat anything you want dalam porsi yang cukup aja buat elo. The more you restrict yourself to food, itu akan menjadi yo-yo diet...and abt the gown...hehehehe menurut gua gak usa pusing. Use a simple dress aja with high heels :)

Ace said...

hahahaha.. thanks Princess JuJul..
Kalo aja face gw udah looks good, pasti ga usah repot.